Spanish moss | Tillandsia usneoides
Spanish moss | Tillandsia usneoides
*As seen on VT Wonen*
Photo 3 is a screenshot from the TV broadcast from VT Wonen. VT Wonen used this airplant as decoration on a wall. The Spanish Moss looks like a modern curtain.
Attention, the bunches moss that are used in the broadcast of VT wonen are much bigger than the ones we sell.
This airplant is a specie that grows in subtropical areas. Spanish moss is the name most people know, but the actual name is Tillandsia Usneoides
Spanish moss is often used to fill up vases. Ofcourse this moss also needs a bit a care. Water and fresh air is what they really need, they take this in through their grey hairs.
We have three sizes in stock. Medium, Large and Extra Large. The difference is not the length of the moss but the amount of moss / the weight.
It is difficult to state the exact mesearments because it is a living product and because we get new stock all the time. Therefore we make te moss based on weight.
- Medium 40-50 cm (weight 60 - 70 gram)
- large 50-60 cm (weight 70 - 80 gram)
- XL: 70-75 cm (weight 100-115 gram)
Spanish moss grows in bunches on treetrunks and hangs like a curtain. The tillandsia usneoides grows the fastest in spring and fall, you can notice a 10cm difference in just 2,5 months.
Make sure you don't put the moss in direct sunlight. You can put the moss in a light spot with a bit of shadow. It can handle temperatures between 14 and 22 degrees. Also make sure to keep the plant in a humid enviroment or to spray it once or twice a week
Let op: luchtplantjes zijn allemaal uniek, hiermee bedoelen we dat ze kunnen afwijken van de getoonde foto.
Deze luchtplantjes groeien in slierten, je kunt ze dus gewoon afknippen of afbreken en dan blijft het afgebroken stuk gewoon doorgroeien.
Naam: Tillandsia usneoides Nederlandse naam: Spaans mos
Standplaats: Geen volle zon maar wel veel licht Ook lichte schaduw. Overdag tussen 16-22°C en 's nachts tussen 14-18°C. Zorg voor een goede luchtvochtigheid. De bladeren drogen uit bij een te lage luchtvochtigheid.